Master Your Energy
Master Your Life

Courses to teach you about energy.

Why Energy Literacy?

We are energy beings and yet collectively, we know little about how we actually operate. There are 3 essential components of effective energy literacy.


While many people see energy as nebulous and intangible, Sita breaks it down in practical ways.


Information is just information until it is applied and then it becomes wisdom which is when we can expand and grow.


Integrating practices that purify energy and anchor it into your physical body, your mental realm and your energy bodies to establish new patterns and life experiences.


You've done a lot of work on yourself. You have read the books, gone to the seminars and visited various healers. It's all a process, yes that's true. But what if you knew your own energy system so well that you could sense a "disturbance in the force" before it landed in your life energy field? 

THIS is what it feels like to be so deeply connected to your True power that you can't help but live your life from this place. 

  Being in your power means you know your energy system like you know your hand.

  Being empowered means you know how to work with your energy system to remove blocks as well as, magnetizing what it is that you want. 

  Being energy literate means that you own your gifts and you know how to flow with the ways that they want to grow you and teach you.

Current courses


"I have attended several online courses with Sita as well as had a personal session with her and she never fails to deliver. Her love, warmth and practicality shine through in everything she teaches. She weaves her personal story through the lessons to bring them to life, sharing her insights and humor and giving practical exercises to use as ongoing resources that you can come back to time and time again."
Julie Newman
"Sita is a wonderful teacher who is excellent at sharing her cosmic wisdom in a coherent, clear, and engaging manner. So although each module was packed full of information, I was able to digest the content and incorporate it into daily practice."
"This course empowered me with some wonderful practices that I can implement in my daily life. I feel more clarity about myself and my purpose. Sita is a very wise and intuitive guide. Her understanding of reality and spiritual concepts has resonated with me on a deep level. She truly embodies her teachings. If you have ever felt like you might be a lightworker, empath or starseed, this course is great for you!"
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